If I asked you to tell me about your life these days… How would you answer?
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you wouldn’t say, “I spent a month eating an all-caviar diet and base-jumping off the Burj Khalifa in Dubai". Rather, you’d probably tell me about an irksome office drama or a recently-binged TV show before
settling on a summary akin to, “Yeah, you know… Not much is new. Just been busy, working.”
Hey, I get it - there’s security and ease in routines, and we all have to tolerate some degree of monotony to keep our lives running smoothly. Still, here you are, seeking out something that's been achingly absent from your day-to-day. Maybe that something is excitement, novelty, connection, or just a brief reprieve from stress. Something that glimmers and catches your eye, like sunshine peeking through a curtain of gray clouds.
Consider this: You decide to reach out, we connect, and we finally meet in person. A few months pass by, and I ask you the same question… “Tell me about your life these days?” This time, instead of searching through hazy memories of morning commutes, loads of laundry, and aimless scrolling on Twitter…
You’ll retell the story of our first date at Cal Academy when I gave you an amateur lesson on mycelium and gingerly brushed the butterflies off your shirt.
You'll remember our long, meandering walk through the city when I insisted that we take “just a quick dip, I swear" into every passing comic book store.
You’ll recall our candle-lit dinner at Quince when we played footsie under the table and giggled like teenagers in-between heavenly bites.
You’ll reminisce about our weekend getaway to that coastal cabin when we skinny-dipped in the hot tub, held each other close, and gazed up at the stars.
You’ll re-live the feel of my delicate fingers in your hair, my silken skin against your chest, my warm breath on your neck, and my soft lips on your mouth - eager to taste you.
This is my gift to share with you. Golden, energizing, life-giving experiences to help you power through your daily grind. Experiences that you can look forward to with excitement, savor completely in the moment, and then look back at fondly until we meet again.
Finally, a pointed message to the lingering skeptic:
One of the most consistent comments I hear from new clients is, “I wish I had done this years ago.” While I’m sure I could flatter myself into thinking such a statement reflects solely on my charms or prowess, I believe it speaks to two broader truths...
You may be shelving your deepest desires out of feelings of duty, inertia, or fear of the unknown.
It’s never too late to take a chance and prioritize your own happiness.
Life is short; come spend it in the sunshine with me. xo